Northeast Region Safety

What's new in Safety

In the latest Beacon: - There are a few articles written about specific units, and there are a few articles written by safety officers out in the field. These are the kinds of stories that I would like to see more of! If you have an event you’d like to talk about, or a minor mishap you learned from, please let me know. Is there a case where you changed your safety plan because of something you learned? Is there a safety checklist that works well for your unit? Are your cadets involved in your safety program in a unique way? These are all things I’d like you to share. Send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. - The safety survey will be on-line in SIRS on November 1. Read more about it on the first page of the Beacon. Set some time aside to meet with your squadron commander so you can work on the survey together. As I say in the Beacon article, this survey will be used by your wing commander to help him assess the “safety health” of squadrons in the wing, so use this opportunity to let your commander know the strengths of your program, the challenges you’re facing, and the needs they can help you with. More guidance will be coming in the near future, so we can make sure this is a useful, helpful tool rather than just a compliance exercise. - SIRS Suggestions? I remind everyone that we want to hear all your ideas on how the SIRS system can better serve you, so we leave no stone unturned when we redesign the system. Any ideas, or minor frustrations you have when you work in SIRS, can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll save each one. Thanks for all you do to reduce risk, and ensure all our members enjoy their CAP experience, “…without getting hurt!” Cheers, George George C. Vogt Chief of Safety This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Why do windy winter days seem so bitterly cold? A winter day with a strong wind can seem much colder than one with only a mild wind, though the air temperature may be exactly the same. The effect that wind has on our perception of cold is called the wind chill factor. The greater the wind speed, the faster we lose body heat. Wind chill can make a fairly moderate winter day equivalent to a much colder one—sometimes dangerously so. For example, a day with a temperature of 30 ° Fahrenheit might seem of little concern, but combined with winds of 10 miles per hour, it can feel like it's only 21° Fahrenheit.


Wind chill is the popular name used to describe what cold WEATHER feels like at various combinations of low temperature and high WIND. The loss of body heat increases with a rise in wind speed, so that at the same temperature, a person will feel colder when the wind is blowing than when it is not. The effect of wind is to lower a person's temperature by evaporating moisture on, and blowing heat away from, the skin. Inanimate objects that have no heat to lose - a mail box or metal fence, for instance - are not really affected by the wind at all.

The more pronounced the air movement (wind or moving air produced by walking, skiing or riding in a convertible) and the greater the temperature difference between the surface of the object and the air, the greater the heat loss. Wind cooling is what happens when you blow on a mug of steaming hot chocolate to cool it to room temperature. But you cannot make it colder than that, no matter how hard you blow. Likewise, no matter how strong the wind blows, it cannot lower the temperature below that of the surrounding air. Of course, the hot chocolate would cool down to room temperature in any case, the blowing simply speeds up the process


Safety Staff

NER Director of Safety
Lt Col Diane Wojtowicz

Asst. Director of Safety
Lt Col Brian Benedict

Asst. Director of Safety
Lt Col Charles Freeman

Asst. Director of Safety
Capt Raymond F. Laramie, Jr.

Asst. Director of Safety
Maj Michael Ozer

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Remember Safety at All Times

We take Safety very seriously and Safety is an everyday thing that needs to be included in everything that we do. Safety can not be neglected or bypassed just because it is more convenient to do so.